Danno's July 26th Column
July 26th Advice
Dear Danno,
I bought a new VCR the other day, but it's not working properly.
All of my video tapes appear to be playing backwards.
Why is that?
signed.......Dumbfounded in Deleware
Dear Dumbfounded,
Sounds to me like you mistakingly bought yourself a new RCV...
Dear Danno,
I am forty years old, and I am getting bored
with my life. I have run out of things to do.
I'm looking for ideas.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
signed......Bored in Bayonne
Dear Bored,
I enjoy taking dead birds and blowing them up with helium.
Dear Danno,
Help! We have a serious problem.
Our son Tommy just received a GI Joe doll for his birthday,
but he refuses to play with it.
I wouldn't mind..but he insists we buy him a Barbie doll instead.
Needless to say, my husband and I are worried about this.
A seven year old boy should not want to play with a Barbie doll.
What do you think?
signed...Worried in Wyoming
Dear Worried,
Don't worry about it.
I once knew a little boy who got a GI Joe doll at that age.
At age ten, he still played with it.
At age seventeen, he still played with it.
At age twenty four...he married a guy named Joe.
Dear Danno,
My eight year old son wants to know what a vagina is.
What in the world do I tell him?
signed....Unsure Mom in Cambridge
Dear Unsure,
Tell him it is just south of Maryland.
Dear Danno,
My six year old son wants to know what a uterus is. What do I tell him?
signed...Confused in Canton
Dear Confused,
Tell him it's the capital of Vagina.
Dear Danno,
You're nuts!
signed....No Fan in New Hampshire
Dear No Fan,
What about them...?
Dear Danno,
Since your advice is so well respected...
can you give us a few reviews on some of todays movie
releases playing in theatres?
signed...Buff in Tuscon
Dear Buff,
Certainly. I'd be happy to:
Con Air: I didn't see it...
Face Off: Didn't see it...
Batman and Robin: Didn't see it...
... I hope that helps you decide which movie to see!
Dear Danno,
Are the letters you get real
...or do you make them up?
signed Wondering in Wisconsin
Dear Wondering,
Oh no no...I make them all up...
including yours!