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Danno's Sex Advice
Dear Danno,
A woman I have been dating recently asked me I enjoy something called S&M. I could not respond because I didn't know what it meant. Can you fill me in?
signed....Naive in Nashville
Dear Naive,
Sure. S&M is a new candy similar to M&Ms.You must try it! Simply go to your nearest grocery store and tell the cashier you'd like a little S&M. Ask them if they can help you find some. Let me know how it goes.

Dear Danno,
Do vitamins help with sex?
signed...Healthy in Hallorin
Dear Healthy,
Not as well as a lotion...

Dear Danno,
My wife of eight months and I were having sex one night, when out of the blue...she begins to spank me. Yet...I do not recall doing anything wrong. Then she wanted me to spank her, but from what I could tell, she was not misbehaving either. Why is that?
signed...Good boy in Gastonia
Dear Good,
I wouldn't worry unless she grounds you or sends you to bed without supper.

Dear Danno,
I just found condoms in my fifteen year old son's dresser drawer! He was obviously trying to hide them by putting them under his socks in the bottom drawer. I am appaulled at this discovery! How should I handle this?
signed...Upset Mom in Uttica
Dear Upset,
I found your letter quite disturbing. I too would be appaulled at your son's actions. Please tell your son that socks belong in the top drawer!

Dear Danno,
What is a G-Spot?
signed...Inexperienced in Illinois
Dear Inexperienced,
It is located right after the F-Spot but before the H-Spot.

Dear Danno,
I am contemplating suicide. No one seems to care about me. I'm tired of being alone and ignored Danno. Don't try to talk me out of it!
signed...Loser in Lajoilla
Dear Loser,
Sorry, but this weeks letters pertain to sex. Write back next week.

Dear Danno,
How did the term G-Spot come about?
signed...Wondering in Washington
Dear Wondering,
One day while a man was poking around down there, he found an area that felt good to his woman. She yelled out in ecstacy, "Gee...that feels good!". Thus...the name.

Dear Danno,
My wife told me she'd like to try "swinging" with another couple. What do you think?
signed...Unsure in Oswego
Dear Unsure,
Swinging is fine, but my wife and I prefer the see-saw.

Dear Danno,
I can't find a woman. I have been thinking of utilizing the services of a prostitute. Is that wrong?
signed...Going Nuts in Gellenburg
Dear Going,
That's awful. You should be ashamed of yourself! No one should pay for sex...it is morally wrong. Resorting to that is shameful. It is also a sure sign of desperation to other women. Have you no dignity? Still...if you must get a prostitute, I will gladly forward to you my personal list of favorites complete with prices!

Dear Danno,
What is your favorite sex fantasy?
signed...Curious Fan in Augusta
Dear Curious,
I'm playing for the New York Mets...and I am batting with the bases loaded, two outs, the score tied in the ninth inning of the seventh game of the World Series. Roger Clemens throws the pitch and I swing and hit a long fly ball to deep left field. It's going going gone! A World Series winning grand slam! As I am mobbed by my team mates, the 60,000 fans are yelling my name! I am a hero! Then I go home and have sex with my wife.

see ya' next week...